What is Conversion?

What is Conversion? What does it mean to become a Christian? What is similar for all true Christians, and without which, they are not saved?
Look at the words of 1 Timothy 2:4 (God), who desires all people to be saved and “to come to the knowledge of the truth”.
No one slides into salvation through their own culture. No one melds the search for meaning into a general Christian view. No one finds God by the necessity of some sort of Spiritual journey, guru, pilgrimage, resulting in some pluralistic blend of the World’s religions.
That is, by definition, the mark of the False teachers, all false teaching promotes “Fuzzy-ism,” “It seems to me-ism”, “Big-guy upstairs, who accepts you the way you are-ism”.
No, Truth comes to us by God, through the Holy Spirit, unto personal Knowledge of the Gospel truths. Anyone who is saved, here, is renewed in the Mind to recognize this Truth, which is alien to us in our carnal state, and comes to it, acknowledges it, believes it, obeys it.
I Timothy 2:4 is describing Conversion through Cognition. One cannot remain Fuzzy about the Gospel and be truly converted. One cannot refuse to seek clarity (truth) about God and His Good news and have the assurance that they have been converted.
Here is Truth, believe it, know it, be converted by it.
(5) For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, (6) who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time.