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Book: 1 Corinthians (x) , Occassion: Sunday Celebration (x) , Date: 2012 (x), June (x)
Eric Anderson (3).
1 Corinthians (3).
I Corinthians: God's Church--United with Love (3).
Sunday Celebration (3).
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June 24, 2012 |
Title: I Corinthians 15:1-9 The Most important Truth—The Supreme Person Delivered |
Speaker: Eric Anderson |
June 17, 2012 |
Title: I Corinthians 14:20-40 God wants to know you and be known that you may worship and exalt Him; Therefore.... |
Speaker: Eric Anderson |
June 3, 2012 |
Title: I Corinthians 14:1-19 Spiritual Gifts in Worship—Tongues and Prophesy (or True Charismatic’s) |
Speaker: Eric Anderson |