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Occassion: Common Slaves 2021 Fall Conference (x) , Series: The Wonderful Doctrines of Grace (x) , Date: 2021 (x)
Speaker: Dale McIntire (1), Bob Dalberg (1), Ivan Fiske (1), Kevin Sorenson (1), Dan Erickson (1), Kevin Carr (1).
Book: John (1), 2 Timothy (1).

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October 29, 2021
Title: Session 1: Totally Depraved--Sweet old ladies can still go to Hell
Speaker: Dale McIntire
October 29, 2021
Title: Session 2: The Responsibility of Man and the Unconditional Election of God
Speaker: Bob Dalberg
October 29, 2021
Title: Session 3: The Infinite Christ and his Limited Atonement
Speaker: Ivan Fiske
October 29, 2021
Title: Session 4: Ungatherable Chicks and Irresistible Grace--How the Spirit Overpowers the Will
Speaker: Kevin Sorenson
October 29, 2021
Title: Session 5: The Active Role of the Believer in Persevering to the End
Speaker: Dan Erickson
October 29, 2021
Title: Session 6: Praxis of Grace--How the Doctrines of Grace shape Pastoral Care
Speaker: Kevin Carr