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June 26, 2016
Title: The Chief Cornerstone
Speaker: Eric Anderson
June 21, 2015
Title: Kingdom Discipleship
Speaker: Eric Anderson
December 23, 2012
Title: Isaiah 9:1-7 The Coming Kingdom
Speaker: Eric Anderson
December 9, 2012
Title: Genesis 2:1-3; I John 5:1-5 God's rest...our assurance
Speaker: Eric Anderson
November 18, 2012
Title: Genesis 1:31-2:3 God's Rest....His glory and our satisfaction
Speaker: Eric Anderson
November 11, 2012
Title: Charles Cotner Baptism Testimony
Speaker: Guest
October 21, 2012
Title: I John 2:7-14 Love one Another
Speaker: Jonathan Davis
September 30, 2012
Title: Philippians 4:4-9 The Peace of Christ
Speaker: Gregg Allen
September 23, 2012
Title: Psalm 1: Two ways to live
Speaker: Eric Anderson
September 9, 2012
Title: Psalms 139:13-18 The Wonder and Glory of God's Intimacy
Speaker: Eric Anderson