First, we desire to be faithful, not merely “relevant or creative,” but faithful to God and proclaiming Him. At our Sunday gatherings we sing songs which faithfully help us worship Jesus Christ for who he is, we pray to him according to how He models prayer in his word, we fellowship as an entire body — all ages, races and seasons of life. We listen to God’s word proclaimed to us.
We desire to be simple and clear in our goal of faithfulness, we strive to steadfastly keep to the Bible’s goal of making disciples by keeping our church structure effective but not over-cumbersome so people can grow in Christ-likeness and newcomers can clearly see how to get involved and why we do what we do.
We desire to have strong convictions delivered in the context of gracious, loving relationships. Our prayer nights and Sunday morning service, as well as our ministries to men and women demonstrate our desire to be faithful in our theology, yet kind and gracious in our delivery. We want to be clear in a culture of confusion, steadfast in “the absolutes” of scripture and charitable where we have freedom to differ.