What denomination is Lifespring Church? 

We are a member church of  the Fellowship of Independent Reformed Evangelicals (www.firefellowship.org).  F.I.R.E  is not a “denomination” with top-down authority, but a well-lead and organized fellowship of like-minded churches, united around common Reformed Baptist confessions and principals; providing teaching, fellowship and accountability.  

In addition, we meet monthly, both as leadership and with a combined Evening Worship service, with churches in the Common Slaves network. https://www.commonslaves.com

We also regularly participate in local and area ministerials and gathering; from which we benefit.  

Why don’t we have Children’s Church?
While we were studying Scripture on the nature and purpose of The Church, one truth that jumped out at us time and again is how important it is for the entire Body to gather as often as possible (all ages, genders, places of life, ethnicities, etc.). We also were convicted in the primacy God places on parents to raise their children in Christ and the goal of the church to serve this primacy.

From this we were convicted that, while we have cry-room available for parents to take their infant children up to 3 years old (it is located in the back of the sanctuary with speakers to hear the preaching and participate in worship), we desire to have young children as part of the service as early as possible so they learn to worship through music, listen to God’s Word preached and read, watch their parents partake in the Lord’s Supper and see Baptisms.

It has been a great joy to bring the entire body together, including young children to worship and exalt Christ Jesus. To our happy surprise, our children have transitioned quickly and better than we expected as we followed this conviction in faith.