Lifespring church–a call to pray

To the congregation of Lifespring Church,

As has been discussed, we as a church have some decisions to make concerning the future of owning the building we currently worship and fellowship in.  Discussions have led to one conclusion thus far, WE NEED TO PRAY.

Pastor Eric and the Transitional Shepherding Team are asking YOU to pray.  Pray to the Lord for His council.   Offer Him a hallowed worship.  Come to Him humbly, asking for His direction, offering obedience, recognizing His sovereign plan is greater than we ourselves could ever come up with.

We dare not ask God to bless us in OUR plans, but rather be blessed in following Gods plan.  In doing so, God is glorified!

Please pray for Pastor Eric, TST, and Mike Hyland as we look at all angles in this proposal.  Pray for unity.  Pray for us that through the Spirit of Jesus Christ, which dwells in us, we recognize Gods leading.

Do not be fixed on Pro’s or Con’s or the What If’s, simply focus on Gods supremacy, His outpouring of wisdom. 

“Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom.  Though it cost all you have, get understanding.”  Proverbs 4:7

We also invite all to pray every Sunday at 9:00am, Fireside Room.


Thank You,

Shane Plemel

Transitional Shepherd