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Series: Guest Preacher (x)
Book: Daniel (1), Mark (1), John (1), Romans (1), 2 Corinthians (1).
Series: Guest Preacher (6).
Occassion: Sunday Worship (6).
Date: 2021 (2), 2022 (2), 2024 (2)

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April 28, 2024
Title: Come, See, and Stay with Jesus
Speaker: Johnny Tolbert
March 3, 2024
Title: Repentance Unto Life
Speaker: Ian Hewitson
October 30, 2022
Title: The Gospel as the Ultimate Encouragement
Speaker: Mark Chanski
August 7, 2022
Title: What is Sound Doctrine  file
Speaker: Reggie Fredricks
May 9, 2021
Title: Without Sanctification there is no Sanctification
Speaker: Bob Beltran
March 28, 2021
Title: The Substitutionary Atonement of Jesus Christ
Speaker: David Simmons