7 thoughts on how the Transgender tyranny ravaging our society is necessarily good for us

7 thoughts on how the Transgender tyranny ravaging our society is necessarily good for us:

It is my conviction that the tyranny of transgenderism is the number one issue, the bottom line facing us today. We are nearing the bottom of perversion and now are seeing the results. We must fight injustice. Sin is horrible and when sin is protected and promoted, much injustice is furthered which harms many people. This is true, yet Satan will not reign, and now is the time we must believe God and turn to Him. We simultaneously heed and take hope. Here are 7 convictions, all true yet not exclusive to the ways God will bless us if we turn to him.

Shall not the judge of all the earth do what is Just?” (Genesis 18:25) 

We know that all things work for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28)

  1. It is good to face the reality of what the gods of secular materialism deliver—a destruction which is increasingly unavoidable—in which we must choose which god to serve in reality, not just “spiritually” (Joshua 24:15, I Kings 18:21)

  1. It is good for people to face God’s judgment as seen in this earth, according to what he promises to do, It is good in that we can see the chaos of Man’s sin working to produce chaos and irrelevancy in our institutions (Romans 1:18-32, I Peter 4:17)

  1. It is good to be faced with God’s mercy to convert to him. You either accept all of God’s terms of humanity, or you must accept that self-identity is the final arbitrator of truth—it is an either/or. Sola Scriptura or solus-feelings. Self-identity or the full counsel of God in his word, both old and new testament. (Psalm 50:21)

  1. It is good to be forced to evaluate how we got here and repent. This is the result of our society’s (you and me) rebellion against God by re-creating reality from basic definitions of humanity (Genesis 1-2).  This is God’s world and ideas have consequences, particularly rebellious ones.  You cannot repent of transgender-ism unless you repent of being ambiguous on sodomy/lesbianism. You cannot repent of supporting the same same-sex-ism unless you repent of feminism. You cannot repent of feminism until you repent of egalitarianism. You cannot repent of egalitarianism unless you go back to the sin of the garden—where Men actually believe in God and hold to his standards, not being passive or giving into lies in the face of temptation. We will have to think and act, feelings and hyper-spirituality won’t cut it. You will either live in God’s world of Genesis 1-2 or continue to live in the covenant and curse of death (Genesis 3)

  1. It is good that this issue forces Men to actually stand up, both teaching and against this injustice..you will have to (Romans 14:23, I Corinthians 16:13))

  2.  It is good in that we will either work to reform these institutions or replace them—they will die—either quickly or slowly by their irrelevance (Jeremiah 29:5-7). Now is a great time to be like Boaz (Ruth 2-4), cultivating our fields and blessing our workings. By building churches, families, businesses, educational institutions, good art, etc, in the time of judgment where everyone else is doing as they see fit and the legacy institutions are becoming an irrelevant joke.

  3. We are eternal people. It is good for all men to have to face eternity and judgment. We will be judged by God’s law and live accordingly—either by Grace in Jesus Christ as savior and Lord, who earned new life for us, or continue by man’s law—earning deserved judgment in Hell and seeing an increasing preview through the hell on earth which the chose of god’s Judgement is. Believe in the Gospel of eternal hope and restoration and repent to God. (Acts 17:32)