Two Rainbows

When God calls sodomy (homosexuality) or the female counterpart (women living in unnatural relations) forbidden, it is so, not because God was random and capricious in his judgments (Romans 1:17-32) He was no whimsical tyrant who ebbed and flowed with the weather and tide. Adultery is sex out of its proper context (marriage between a man and a woman). Homosexuality is both adulterous and out of God’s natural order, for He created the World to flourish and humans (image bearers) to take dominion, for which he gave both the context (marriage/family) and order (male and female who complement each other in marriage).
This, in God’s order, is where humanity prospers, it is simple and God declares it good (Genesis 1:31). Sin and rebellion are both complex and chaotic. It is a living judgment. It. does. not. work. period. It is not good. It is unnatural. Will engaging in sin bring temporal happiness?… sure, but these same actions will lead only to long-term judgments, both earthly and eternal.
Don’t believe the happy-clappy, virtue-signaling lies during “Pride” month. All Sexual identities and actions outside of marriage are both sinful and destructive. This is stated, in Scripture, with both deadly somberness (for the sinner) and real, eternal hope (for the repentant). Change and return to God’s created order will happen to those. Each individual, who comes to their senses and repents unto God for their rebellion, accepts that Christ paid the price for their sin and transferred their allegiance from their almighty feelings to them the One, true, and almighty God. This is the way to live. IT is the way to be truly free, learning to be male and female, as God created us to be, in the relationships which make orderly sense.
For God created the real Rainbow as a real and permanent sign that there is real judgment for real rebellion. (Genesis 9) There is also real mercy (and change) for the one who believes God and trusts in Him who took on the flood of God’s Judgement in our place, the Lord Jesus Christ. This is God’s promise.
Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
Genesis 1:31 And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good
Malachi 3:7 From the days of your fathers you have turned aside from my statutes and have not kept them. Return to me, and I will return to you, says the Lord of hosts
May be an image of one or more people, beard and text

What is Conversion?

What is Conversion? What does it mean to become a Christian? What is similar for all true Christians, and without which, they are not saved?
Look at the words of 1 Timothy 2:4 (God), who desires all people to be saved and “to come to the knowledge of the truth”.
No one slides into salvation through their own culture. No one melds the search for meaning into a general Christian view. No one finds God by the necessity of some sort of Spiritual journey, guru, pilgrimage, resulting in some pluralistic blend of the World’s religions.
That is, by definition, the mark of the False teachers, all false teaching promotes “Fuzzy-ism,” “It seems to me-ism”, “Big-guy upstairs, who accepts you the way you are-ism”.
No, Truth comes to us by God, through the Holy Spirit, unto personal Knowledge of the Gospel truths. Anyone who is saved, here, is renewed in the Mind to recognize this Truth, which is alien to us in our carnal state, and comes to it, acknowledges it, believes it, obeys it.
I Timothy 2:4 is describing Conversion through Cognition. One cannot remain Fuzzy about the Gospel and be truly converted. One cannot refuse to seek clarity (truth) about God and His Good news and have the assurance that they have been converted.
Here is Truth, believe it, know it, be converted by it.
(5) For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, (6) who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time.

Bruce/Caitlin Jenner for Governor: Several observations, convictions and truth statements

by Pastor Eric Anderson

(I am not presuming that Bruce/Caitlin Jenner will be nominated, or is even serious about actually running,  but this is what makes the news today, and several realities converge at once)  

  1. He is a man. Bruce Jenner is a male name that corresponds to his God-given sex.

  2. Bruce/Caitlin is embodying two lies: That he is a woman and that you can change your God-given biological reality. This is the pagan/satanic worship of the self in full array.

  3. He is probably the Governor that California deserves

  4. This is what Judgement from God looks like (Romans 1)—from the act and the guaranteed chaos that follows.

  5. Does anyone ever ask what Bruce’s children and grandchildren think? What do those say, who have had to answer for his narcissism? Where is the compassion for them?

  6. It amazes me the extent that we will go for the appearance of woke or political correctness. What has Bruce ever lead? What minuscule credentials does he have. This is not merely nonsense, it is a nightmare.

  7. The fact that some Republicans will inevitably support him shows that they care about winning the election at all costs, and only the election.

  8. The fact that Nikki Haley continually referred to him in a recent interview as She says a lot about Nicky Haley, not about Bruce’s credentials

  9. The State that willingly votes in gubernatorial authority by Bruce Jenner, a man who poses as a caricature named Caitlin Jenner, will continue to slide into catastrophic, in spite of his surface conservatism.

  10. This is all about Bruce’s never-ending quest for peace and affirmation, and others filling up their “woke” credential cards.  

    My Prayer: Oh that Bruce and all who support him in this wicked nonsense would come to his senses and repent to the living God for forgiveness and purpose. That he would turn from his narcissistic worship of self to one of God, and be the man he has refused to be. God will change him. He will be a new creation, with clear thinking to fulfill his God-given purposes. Oh, we as a people would stop using him for cheap thrills, as a token for progressive inclusivity, and for political strategy; for this is wicked.

Thoughts on Ravi Zacharias and other “men who fell morally”

Thoughts on Ravi Zacharias and other “men who fell morally”
by Pastor Eric Anderson
One Cliché of defeatism in an emasculated culture is said whenever a high-profile Christian has a moral failure. It is that “every man could do this”…and we must not think this way. I actually hate this statement because it is not true.
No, not every man could do this. No one wakes up one day, in their right thinking does this. No man decides one day to destroy his and other’s lives. the Moral failure final step of wrong thinking, the already compromised man
Morality is and either/or, it is also a from/to. Are you moving to righteousness or from it? Are you moving towards worldliness and carnal lusts or mortifying them?
I read one time an article which I used to have tacked on to the wall of my office an interview with Gordon MacDonald, regarding his affair. He said that at the time of his adulterous sin, He was “weary in body and spirit,” and “Lacking mutual accountability in his life.
Men who are acting like men and abiding in the Lord are strengthening themselves against sexual or other life-destroying sins. Men who are disciplined in their sleep and work and exercise habits. Men who make meaningful conversations with other men. Men who converse with their wives. Men who are careful on the internet. Men who abide and pray daily. Men who prioritize church and don’t make sports or hunting more important. Men who desire to learn the truth and discern error. Men who are neither scared, flirty or resentful of women. Men who can talk about personal humility and have anecdotal stories of corresponding change and answered prayer when they repent. Men who are not given over to gaming. Men who offer to help others.
In Summary, Men who realize their great weakness, humble themselves before a Holy God, and through habitual repentance, access the regular means of growth in holiness and defense against destructive sin patterns.
Proverbs 5:1-21 actually describes Adultery as a sin but also as a path of compromise with the actual adultery as the final step. Many years ago I served under a pastor who we found out was living a double life. We saw all the signs and confronted him regarding the white “lies” and weird work habits he had. He had many opportunities to humble himself at the “red flags’ but never did. He would not repent. He came to love, to need his sins and lusts. His life finally caught up with his careless and wicked investments. He hated God’s law and loved his own sin. The signs were there. His downfall started when he refused to repent of the “little sins.”
This must not be, this need not be. This is not to be.
The Gospel declares that Christ Jesus is both our savior and Lord. We give him our obedience daily and we do not become the “everyman” who sins greatly.
Take hope and access the real and regular means of grace.  
Proverbs 4:23 “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”

Thoughts on Satire, woke-ism, and the necessity for Common Sense

Thoughts on Satire, woke-ism, and the necessity for Common Sense

by Pastor Eric Anderson

Why is the Babylon Bee so popular? Better yet, why are the articles and posts by the Bee so close to reality one would think they are almost pulled from a CNN headline? Why is there a market for a spin-off “not the bee,” which is dedicated to actual news headlines which you might think are satire?

‘Satire’ (Websters 1828 Dictionary)

1. A discourse or poem in which wickedness or folly is exposed with severity. It differs from lampoon and pasquinade, in being general rather than personal.

2. Severity of remark. It differs from sarcasm, in not expressing contempt or scorn.

Satire is necessary where common Sense has been deliberately denied, re-written, and therefore, lost.

I say “deliberately” because one has to be educated and proselytized into the childish thinking, generated outrage and denial of natural/creational reality

When we say common sense, we do not deny the realities of original sin and total depravity. Two things are true at once: Mankind is born unable to seek God on his own, and Mankind still has faculties that are able to acknowledge creation ally-given realities. Marriage, laws against murder, and theft, in fact, almost all commandments 5-10 are recognized by human cultures as common to man, common sense as necessary to have culture.

So a child needs to be taught about their sinfulness and the need for God’s mercy yet, even so, all children can recognize they are boys or girls, they are different from animals, they can create, etc. This is how societies function. Until they are taught, indoctrinated by the elites to turn from Common Sense. When mankind worships and trusts in people and the new ideas to such an extent that they deny creational reality, common sense is lost. This is why United Airlines can promote a new “diversity goal” for Pilates with never a thought of the potential liability. This is why the MLB can sign a deal with communist China and then the next day accuse Georgia of racism for normal voting procured and take 100 million of income away from lower-class workers in their new “righteous” protest. This is why a person can be socially distanced in an airport line and it’s deemed safe to ride shoulder-to-shoulder in a plane, feeling safe, because you are wearing a mask. This is not merely childish behavior, it is something worse. It is non-sense.

You have to be educated about this type of stupidity. I use this word (stupidity) deliberately. I say this with a type of sorrowful seething when I think of some former students who we catechized into the convictions and confidence from good theological thinking and worship, only to regress, to be worse off after attending so-called ‘Christian colleges and seminaries. Why? The schools had gone woke and to go woke is to deny reality.

Think of the term itself as “woke.” Does it not conjure up the idea of being introduced and taking on a new paradigm, to be awakened? It is a completely different lens of the world. What is one awakened (a-wokened) to? The Twin paradigms of personal identity: first, by psychologized individuality, where you are to be all you can be and make your own rules/values or find them. Second, by the parallel group think—that you either an oppressor or are oppressed. You get a new moral start, a new moral high ground, according to the latest, evolving ideas and values. You also get increased and un-ending conflicts with others and more, the increasing denial of created, biological, physically given reality at the feet of those who know better.

To get “woke” to create guilt where none exists. The result of this conversion into the “social justice paradigm” is both fear and self-absorbed loathing while lamenting that I must be racist for supporting clear or white-colored band-aids and such. It is a world where Derek Chauvin must be guilty of deliberate, hate-filled racism and murder even when the cross-examination would indicate another story of mounting evidence. It is to judge everything Donald Trump did as wrong because of his tone and language, and yet give a pass to the actual evil, destruction, and injustice of President Biden’s policies because he sounds nice. It is to feel and declare yourself and others automatically guilty of being “unloving” because a gay person, in rebellion to God’s standards and their own biological reality, declares that you made them feel bad. To deny reality is to be defeated and paralyzed, to live in conflict avoidance, and worse, to further injustice by placing the functional standards of justice into the arms of the media, the elite, the experts, and the most, rebellious, reality-denying people. You cannot just see things as they are. You must see them through the eyes of the oppressed, the victims.

 It is indeed a shameless mindset. It is both laughable and angering. It is pitiable.

Enter Satire: Satire is a gift. It is a tool to remind us that we aren’t crazy, that laughter at stupidity is actually an acknowledgment that we have a collective standard of truth, of that of wise and foolish. Satire presumes Biological and creational categories: that which we can see and actually prove: Men and men and not women, etc. Satire was a tool by Elijah on Mt. Carmel when he mocks the false gods to shame the people and bring them to repentance. Satire (or sarcasm) was Paul’s language when he told the Galatians to “emasculate” themselves. It says in Psalm 2, God even laughs in derision at the foolish rebellious re-creationism of mankind. Satire treats people as capable of reason, yet foolish for denying reason.

One must-see reality in order to recognize the law, my sin, and God’s offer of real, total forgiveness (body and soul) of me as a person, and real, creational purposed for us as humans. Satire, therefore, is a reminder that to think and discern and the judge is both human and good. Satire can serve as a warning, a wake-up call to seek the face of the giver of lawful standards, of reality and, finding Grace and mercy, a reunion with reality through Jesus Christ, a reunion with common sense.


Why is there nagging guilt, despair, and increasing outrage, present in our lives and increasing in our culture?

Why is there nagging guilt, despair, and increasing outrage, present in our lives and increasing in our culture?
By Pastor Eric Anderson
I was reading a book by Francis Shaeffer recently. He was a long-time professor and pastor (1950s-early 80s) and was most famous for leading a center called “L’Abri” in Switzerland, where people who were seeking a philosophy of life and the world could come and study on their quest for truth.
Today much has changed in our culture since the days of Francis Shaeffer, but Man’s ultimate search for meaning has not. My observation, therefore, is not that people are seeking a philosophy to explain meaning and purpose for their lives first (as in the 60s), but secondarily, as an actual necessity. Most people have functionally acted upon the promotions of the radically autonomous self and sexuality first, then, in the point of despair, they seek a justification, a reason, a view of the world and self to explain their guilt and why it is present, as they cannot reconcile their lived experience with their inner feelings.
For Most it is moral first, then the bigger picture comes. I think this is the result of 60+ years of our culture throwing off God’s created order, spheres of authority, purpose, and law, and doing what “feels good and seems to give you purpose.”
People then synthesize whatever worldviews are easiest for them to make sense of the lived experiences and the easiest for them to justify their carnal appetites, and find purpose, meaning, law, and salvation to explain the reasons for their guilt. Hence the dichotomy between professed belief and actual practice. Many claim parts of Christianity (to feel good), while living as their own authority (or the woke group think), as defined by a Therapeutic view of self and the world.
Is this not why the Social Justice Movement is so appealing? It provides a new “moral high ground” for purpose and meaning, where I can transfer my personal feelings of guilt upon the anger of injustice at the groups who hold privilege and power. I can atone for my guilt by outrage, through reparations’ or riots. But These are lies and faulty narratives.  
Holy God knows The Truth and only Christianity makes sense of this.
Here is His proposal: To recognize that we are really really guilty. This is not negative feelings only but deep judicial guilt before Holy God, who created us and gives us purpose and meaning. Our guilt is not merely breaking his law at times, but in adopting a totally alien view of ourselves from His created purposes, where our biology tells us we are male and female and should get married, work hard, etc., Our culture has told us those are separate from our true self.
No wonder we feel guilty, lonely, and are in despair!
Life is not meant to be lived in personal autonomous search for meaning but in simple, God-given categories of self, sex and relationship.
We are guilty. God is angry, and rightfully so. There is a real and fair penalty for moral lawbreakers: Real, eternal, physical hell for real people who have rebelled against Him.
The Glory of God is that He is also Love. He sent His Son, fully God but fully and physically man. He died to take our place in the just judgment, facing God’s wrath for our (not his) guilt. He rose bodily, re-establishing the creational purposes of God for our lives. We are whole people and what Sin has separated, Christ Jesus, the saving message of Christianity has reconciled.
Our response is to believe Him, accept the guilty of our own sinful rebellion, accept his forgiveness and transfer our obedience from self to Him alone, living according to his Creational categories of meaning, where it is not “all about me” anymore. From Self-absorbed glory-seeking to his Glory. This is the real truth, it is transcendent and yet immediately practical for everyone in every sphere.
Peace with God and with others. This is grace. This is good news. This is the best and only way to live. Real guilt is gone. Real purposes for our lives are given. Real hope in this life and in the next. This is the view of the world, according to the Creator, who Created, has redeemed, and is restoring all of Creation unto His Created purposes. This is the only way to live. 

Thoughts on Manhood, winning and losing.

Thoughts on Manhood, winning and losing.

by Pastor Eric Anderson  

Genesis 1:28 “And God blessed them. And God said to them, Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
Do you want to feel alive, man? Then strive to win.
Two things are true at once:
As Christians, born again and alive in the Spirit, we do lose, we die to self, we lose friends, worldly praise, etc.
We also win and we are to strive to win. We are commanded to fulfill the creation mandate, to expand the Kingdom as Christ’s ambassadors, to bring real justice and truth and peace upon the earth.
Blessed are the what?….. The pacifists? No! The peacemakers.
Yet, there is a sneaky, self-absorbed, way of operating as a man. This is the “nice man,” neither hot nor cold, inoffensive, completely compliant, is now seen as virtuous. The values of honor are seen in losing, or at least being perpetually neutral. These men do not deal with anger, they stuff it, it will come out, usually stabbing other men in the back or not protecting the family.
In our old nature, deed down, we all want this: conflict adversity, fear-avoidance, running from discomfort. Why? Because doing right forces us to face our biggest fears and anger, within. (that is what it means to lose at the deep level—dying to self). We will lose battles, but battles we must face.
We must all stand before Holy God. I for one want also to see my children and grandchildren with a clean conscience that I had done what I could for their good. For the expansion of the Kingdom of God.
Are you trusting in Christ by faith and repenting of both your sins of commission and omission (passivity, refusing to take responsibility)? Are you working hard? Are you honest? Are you setting the example by participating in church, home, and marriage? Are you speaking truth wisely and boldly when it is your place to do so?
When you fail, both in your actions and failure to act, do you repent, turn to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and get up again, according to the favor given by God through grace? Are you doing what is right even when it feels confusing to do so, even when someone is guaranteed to be hurt or offended? Do you get angry with real injustice, dry your tears, and then do something? Do you refuse to further false narratives? This is how we both lose (against sin) and win the battles before us (the world, the flesh and the devil), as we are sanctified in holiness.
But more, this is a great day to be a man. We are physical beings with a normal calling to work and build. This is a great time for holy ambitions, for building and creating, as the woke-infested business cancel themselves, rendering themselves both insoluble and putrid to the public, there is a great void to fill. Employers are desperate for honest, hard-working men. They are not looking for not super-men, but normal, virtuous men. This is a great time for people, in an nihilistic culture, to hear of the hope of the Holy Gospel which makes sense of all the world. We will lose, but we will win.
I Corinthians 9:24 “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it.”