When God calls sodomy (homosexuality) or the female counterpart (women living in unnatural relations) forbidden, it is so, not because God was random and capricious in his judgments (Romans 1:17-32) He was no whimsical tyrant who ebbed and flowed with the weather and tide. Adultery is sex out of its proper context (marriage between a man and a woman). Homosexuality is both adulterous and out of God’s natural order, for He created the World to flourish and humans (image bearers) to take dominion, for which he gave both the context (marriage/family) and order (male and female who complement each other in marriage).
This, in God’s order, is where humanity prospers, it is simple and God declares it good (Genesis 1:31). Sin and rebellion are both complex and chaotic. It is a living judgment. It. does. not. work. period. It is not good. It is unnatural. Will engaging in sin bring temporal happiness?… sure, but these same actions will lead only to long-term judgments, both earthly and eternal.
Don’t believe the happy-clappy, virtue-signaling lies during “Pride” month. All Sexual identities and actions outside of marriage are both sinful and destructive. This is stated, in Scripture, with both deadly somberness (for the sinner) and real, eternal hope (for the repentant). Change and return to God’s created order will happen to those. Each individual, who comes to their senses and repents unto God for their rebellion, accepts that Christ paid the price for their sin and transferred their allegiance from their almighty feelings to them the One, true, and almighty God. This is the way to live. IT is the way to be truly free, learning to be male and female, as God created us to be, in the relationships which make orderly sense.
For God created the real Rainbow as a real and permanent sign that there is real judgment for real rebellion. (Genesis 9) There is also real mercy (and change) for the one who believes God and trusts in Him who took on the flood of God’s Judgement in our place, the Lord Jesus Christ. This is God’s promise.
Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
Genesis 1:31 And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good
Malachi 3:7 From the days of your fathers you have turned aside from my statutes and have not kept them. Return to me, and I will return to you, says the Lord of hosts